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Please note that IP address of NL agent has been changed to


How do I refresh list of services on Windows Monitor

KnoaSoft 8 years ago updated by Ilya (Here to help) 8 years ago 2

I've installed Anturis Agent Manger on my windows server configured monitor to keep track of specific service.
After that I installed more services to the windows server, but Agent has not refreshed it's list and is not showing new services when I'm trying to add monitors.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling agent, that didn't help.
I've waited over 48 hours, it didn't update.

How can I refresh the list of services?

Ilya (Here to help) 8 years ago

Deleting component works. Also there is a way via rebuild component button:

save image

save image

After this service list will be reread.


how to determine if windows server is up when it is behind a firewall

GCPRO 8 years ago updated by Ilya (Here to help) 8 years ago 5

We have a number a server behind a firewall and would like to know when/if it goes down. Port forwarding from outside is not an option here unfortunately. Is it possible to achieve some other way through local agent monitors? We tried to setup ping of an outside resource but when server went down Anturis simply marked local agent as unavailable. Thank you.

Under review

Shell and log General Plugin Failure Error Code 8

BASTechnologies 8 years ago updated 7 years ago 3


Similar to another reported bug, but not quite the same symptoms. I am getting Error code 8 on Windows 2012 server when I try and execute a shell command ( I try 'echo test' to keep it simple), I also get the same when trying to set up a log monitor. The base disk/cpu and process monitors work fine. I am using the same settings as I used successfully on 2008R2 servers which I set up monitoring two years ago.

Attached are two screenshots of the Anturis Agent log which show that the plugins are failing because the restricted token cannot be constructed. I have three servers which I am setting up 2 of them have the same issue, the third allows shell commands.

It is critical for my business to get this working as soon as possible, please assist.

Image 125

Image 124

Under review

Anturis windows user accounts

BASTechnologies 8 years ago updated by Ilya (Here to help) 8 years ago 2


I notice the new Windows agent installs different Windows user accounts than the older version. Please confirm which account executes the log monitor and what file permissions are required.

It would be really helpful if an overview of the Anturis user account(s) were published in the wiki (apologies if it is already there).

Under review

increase the timeout for custom shell command execution

webdesires 8 years ago updated by Ilya (Here to help) 8 years ago 1

I keep getting errors revolving around Linux Services and a timeout while executing a custom shell command.


Error code: 2
The custom shell command did not complete its execution in a reasonable time and was terminated. If needed it is possible to increase the timeout for custom shell command execution, contact us at support@anturis.com to learn how.
Under review

agent not connecting

pankaj pru 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

The agent is not getting connecting. In the log agent-service.log I can see the below error.

Please help.

2016.07.18 12:14:20 459.844 SERVREQ: Error: Request POST to https://anturis.com/api/1/agent/authenticate failed (NetworkError: RemoteHostClosedError("Connection closed")) with QVariant(, )
2016.07.18 12:15:27 526.741 SERVREQ: Error: Request POST to https://anturis.com/api/1/agent/authenticate failed (NetworkError: RemoteHostClosedError("Connection closed")) with QVariant(, )
2016.07.18 12:18:00 680.221 SERVREQ: Error: Request POST to https://anturis.com/api/1/agent/authenticate failed (NetworkError: RemoteHostClosedError("Connection closed")) with QVariant(, )
2016.07.18 12:19:22 762.393 SERVREQ: Error: Request POST to https://anturis.com/api/1/agent/authenticate failed (NetworkError: RemoteHostClosedError("Connection closed")) with QVariant(, )


More Alerts

ntksolutions 8 years ago updated by semyon loushkin (Here to help) 8 years ago 1


We have often bought packages with 500 alerts for the price of $ 39.99.
We would like to buy a package over 500 alerts a value that be cheaper for the company.
Michel Ferreira
Under review

Daily uptime report - show %uptime in subject line

windmillmc 8 years ago updated by Vyacheslav Terentiev (Here to help) 8 years ago 1

It would be helpful if the daily uptime report I receive by email had a subject line that indicated whether or not there was an issue on that particular day. For example:

Anturis: Daily up-time report for 6 July 2016

Anturis: Daily up-time report for 6 July 2016 - all okay

Anturis: Daily up-time report for 6 July 2016 - 2 errors

Anturis: Daily up-time report for 6 July 2016 - 100%

Anturis: Daily up-time report for 6 July 2016 - 97.4%

The idea being that it's easy to ignore mails where everything is 100% without having to open them to double-check. It also makes it much quicker to go back and review activity over a month or two, when all notification mails are filed together in a single folder.


how do i connect to sql database

bennyv 9 years ago updated by Alexander Artamonov (Here to help) 8 years ago 2

I have a VM server (2012 R2) running, with SQL installed on it. it's not an sql server not dedicated to it.

how do i link it to your monitor? it asks for login\passowrd i tried both sql password and windows password on port 3306 but no luck


btrfs filesytem usage

martin 9 years ago 0

The basic linux monitor for free disk space returns similar values as running "$ df -h". However this can be misleading if btrfs subvolumes are used. The size of the subvolumes is not included and thus the amount of free space can be much smaller then what the monitor indicates. The real value can be obtained by running "$ btrfs filesystem df /".

Is there any monitor I could use that would work with btrfs?