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Please note that IP address of NL agent has been changed to

Under review


Arib 8 years ago updated by Alexander Artamonov (Here to help) 8 years ago 7

Hello I have got a question about the features of Anturis. All of them listed on the site are pretty straight forward.

When I have a tool running on different servers with different releases. Is it possible to
- filter out the servers where the tool is running on, lets say, version 1.1.1
- filter out the servers which run the tool, no matter what the version.

Kind regards,


First of all these commands will be executed on systems where you set up Custom Shell Command Monitors.

Secondly available commands depend on OS of your servers. For example, in case of Linux the command would be dpkg or rpm with appropriate parameters depending on your distribution. Anyway Custom Shell Command Monitors is just a means to pass a command to server, but you have to prepare commands yourself.

Anyway Anturis would be way too complex tool for the task.


how to export report

sweetice02 8 years ago updated by Ivan Lapushenkov (Here to help) 8 years ago 3

lfd on serverx.xxxxx.net: Excessive resource usage: anturis (2926 (Parent PID:2926))

Amgeek 8 years ago updated by Ivan Lapushenkov (Here to help) 8 years ago 6

I have recently (a week or so ago) started getting frequent - hourly - reports that

lfd on serverx.xxxxx.net: Excessive resource usage: anturis (2926 (Parent PID:2926))

WIth this information

Time: Wed Sep 14 14:03:43 2016 -0400

Account: anturis
Resource: Process Time
Exceeded: 68871 > 1800 (seconds)

Not sure what has changed but want to make sure it is OK and how to stop it.





Gauris 8 years ago updated by Ivan Lapushenkov (Here to help) 8 years ago 3


i want to try this monitoring software but i can't configure a proxy?! is this possible? i set the proxy settings in /etc/environment but still no go! (centos 7)

greetings Arco


Plesk 12.5 Anturis is no longer an extension. Where do I download it?

joemyburgh 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

Plesk 12.5 has drop the Anturis extension from there catalog, with out any reason. I now install the version 11 agent, and it work with a bit of amendments. Is there again a official download for the plesk agent.

Under review

Linux agent password required for remote shell command

emgsecurite 9 years ago updated by Ivan Lapushenkov (Here to help) 8 years ago 3

I want to monitor asterisk specific peer on remote server.

From ssh usually the command is

"asterisk -rx "sip show peer 338" | grep Status | grep -wc OK"

it return 1 if peer ext 338 is up and return 0 if down.

When launching the command from Anturis I need to sudo -S and pass the password for user "anturis"

Any idea what is the password ?


Invalid parameters Error code: 1 - Disk Space Check

NWSolutions 9 years ago updated by Ivan Lapushenkov (Here to help) 8 years ago 5

Invalid parameters Error code: 1 - Disk Space Check


"Windows service monitoring is unavailable at that time. Please ensure that powershell is installed. Agent error info: Timeout"

wooditc 9 years ago updated by Ivan Lapushenkov (Here to help) 8 years ago 2

Hi I'm getting a error on a server group "Windows service monitoring is unavailable at that time. Please ensure that powershell is installed. Agent error info: Timeout"


Top 5 Processes is useless...

webdesires 9 years ago updated by Ivan Lapushenkov (Here to help) 8 years ago 2

We keep getting alerts for 100% CPU usage, it usually only lasts about 20-40 minutes but we seem to not be around when this happens so have been unable to get onto the panel and see what is going on...

Anturis is not much help here, only showing the top 5 processes, but this only shows about 3% of the total CPU usage, so there must be a huge amount of processes being created for some reason filling up the CPU time.

The logs should log all running processes and their usages, so that debugging issues is easier.

Under review

Using an Automated mailbox we don't want the email verification disabled as we cannot access that mailbox

ProFundCom 9 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

We are using 447725988956@bulksms.co.uk as an SMS alert but cannot get the verification link. Can you verify it from your end?