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Please note that IP address of NL agent has been changed to


How to monitor server?

templaza 10 years ago updated by Ilya (Here to help) 10 years ago 4
Hi Team,

I am using your trial version. I just want to know one thing before purchase a package.
How to monitor my server? How to know the files when they was modified on my server?

Thanks & Best Regards,
Under review

When CPULoad is missing from /server-status?auto the Anturis Agent gives error

José Proença 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 3
Sometimes the CPULoad parameter given by the /server-status?auto is not present at all in its output.
This makes the Anturis Agent give an error.
It seems that the CPULoad is omited from the server-status?auto output when it's somewhat near zero. I've concluded this because for these cases the output in the server-status main page is

CPU Usage: u0 s0 cu0 cs0

Again the "n% CPU load" is not present.

I'm on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS in a AWS EC2 t2.micro instance.
Apache 2.4.7
ExtendedStatus is ON.


Email change problem

discoverychurch 11 years ago updated by Ilya (Here to help) 9 years ago 3
I tried changing my primary email address from my company one to a personal one so I can get ping updates even if the internet is completely down at my site. When I do the change email process and click on the link in the email I am sent, I get:

{"setting_name": "confirm_email_redirect_url_success", "error": "StatusSettingIsMissing"}

Now I don't receive emails from the old or new address. Does anyone know how to fix this?