Under review
Daily uptime report - show %uptime in subject line
It would be helpful if the daily uptime report I receive by email had a subject line that indicated whether or not there was an issue on that particular day. For example:
Anturis: Daily up-time report for 6 July 2016
Anturis: Daily up-time report for 6 July 2016 - all okay
Anturis: Daily up-time report for 6 July 2016 - 2 errors
Anturis: Daily up-time report for 6 July 2016 - 100%
Anturis: Daily up-time report for 6 July 2016 - 97.4%
The idea being that it's easy to ignore mails where everything is 100% without having to open them to double-check. It also makes it much quicker to go back and review activity over a month or two, when all notification mails are filed together in a single folder.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thank you for this suggestion, it would be really helpful, so I left a suggestion for the development and I hope they will add this functionality in one of the future releases.