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Please note that IP address of NL agent has been changed to

Not a bug

Service manager not found

tieuvinhlong 11 years ago updated by Alessandro 9 years ago 5
I can't install when play command:

curl -k -s https://anturis.com/api/1/agent/install/myusers/e... | sh

Error reponse is:

Service manager not found

How to fix it? Thanks

account_key is missing

firstlayer 11 years ago updated by Ilya (Here to help) 10 years ago 3
I've just installed the cpanel plugin as per the instructions at https://anturis.com/lp/whm-plugin-thank-you/. However when I click the Console link, I get a new tab open at https://anturis.com/api/1/aps/authenticate with the following error:
{"reason": "account_key is missing", "error": "StatusWrongArguments"}

What's going on?

Not a bug

Reporting weekly

Barsug 12 years ago updated by Konstantin (Here to help) 12 years ago 2

Reporting weekly includes disabled components in statistics, what is disabled for daily reports.


mysql replication monitor

skeeper 12 years ago updated by Konstantin (Here to help) 12 years ago 1

Is it possible to monitor replication status ?


How do you remove / uninstall the Linux agent?

Jason Allen 11 years ago updated by Konstantin (Here to help) 11 years ago 3

How do you remove or uninstall the Linux client agent from a server?


How can I delete Reports and Incidents history?

Alwin 9 years ago updated by Ilya (Here to help) 9 years ago 2
Hello, is it possible to delete my incidents history and my reports history?

Today, 1 august, I set up all my monitors from zero to start monitoring with a clean sheeet. However, in the reports section all the old reports from the previous months are still there. I like to delete this reports because in the previous months I was testing Anturis and these reports are ful with errors I created (tested) myself.

Is it possible to delete all reports before 1 august?

How to configure website monitoring with HTTP and HTTPs

Konstantin (Here to help) 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 0

Check this wiki article to learn how to set up website monitoring.

Not a bug

HTTPS connectivty monitoring is not working

InteractMarketing 11 years ago updated by Konstantin (Here to help) 11 years ago 9

I'm trying to add monitoring for https://www.fbcontestapp.com but there is not option for HTTPS so I have added it as HTTP with port 443, but it looks like is not working as should (to connect as secure connection to that web site).


How do I monitor a Windows EventLog?

sPeople 12 years ago updated by Konstantin (Here to help) 12 years ago 5

Is this even possible? planned? eta?