Under review

False positive critical notifications

InteractMarketing 10 years ago updated by Ilya (Here to help) 10 years ago 3
This weekend we have got critical messages (monitors US-Michigan and US-Dallas) which were false. I have set 4 monitors and the critical messages should to come only all 4 will fail (round-robin policy)


Monitor will have error status if two locations(example, US-Dallas and US-Michigan) fails at the same time.
We will think about option to change status when all locations fails
Under review

Please indicate this monitors name in your infrastructure. We will check.
We still have same problem, third day in a row. US-Dallas or (and) US-Michigan throws critical errors when I was able to reach components. 

I think you need to deploy some kind of mechanism when there is 2 or more monitors sets to report critical issue when all of them are down not only one or 2. Other way it is false positive and wast of text messages and phone calls notifications.

Monitor will have error status if two locations(example, US-Dallas and US-Michigan) fails at the same time.
We will think about option to change status when all locations fails