​Public agent

Public agents overview

The Anturis Public Agent (locations) is an external poller that is located in different locations and is accessible as an out- of- the- box feature. The agent allows you to determine the uptime of your web services when accessed from those spots.

Public agents’ locations and IP addresses

Anturis provides multiple monitoring locations, permitting web server availability testing globally. Alerts can notify you of issues at any point in your network. Ensure your services are up 24/7 around the globe:

LocationIP address
Frankfurt am Main, Germany185.135.157.53
Amsterdam, Netherlands5.79.100.165
Dallas, Texas, US72.249.77.101
Lansing, Michigan, US67.225.148.163
Vancouver, Canada199.167.17.37
Moscow, Russia89.253.231.166
Sao Paulo, Brazil181.41.210.215
Tokyo, Japan61.195.97.113
Renqiu, China43.247.70.137
Singapore City, Singapore116.251.211.248

Note: You can always deploy an Anturis private agent to any server of your choice and use it for your Web service Monitors.