
There are two primary types of monitors: an external or web-site monitor, and an internal or infrastructure local resource monitor.

A web-site monitor allows you to check web services by using web protocols such as HTTP.
A Local Resource Monitor allows you to create a network, server, or application monitor to check local intranet resources, such as a server CPU or memory or SNMP-enabled devices.
To create a new monitor, follow the steps below.
  1. Double click on the component that you want to customize or point at the component and the monitor page will appear.
  2. Click Add/Remove Monitors > Add Custom Monitor.
  3. Choose Monitor.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Finish.
To modify an existing monitor, follow the steps below.
  1. Click View/Edit parameters for monitor.
  2. [Optional] On the General Settings tab, change the public agent.
  3. [Optional] Select the Monitoring Settings tab, and make changes.
  4. [Optional] Select Status rules and change measurements.
  5. Click Save.
To remove a monitor, follow the steps below.
  1. Double click on the component that you want to edit or point at the component and the monitor page will appear.
  2. Click Add/Remove Monitors.
  3. Click the “X” icon.
  4. Confirm deletion.