
You can manage people (a person) in your account from People and Groups page.

Add Person

Add a new person by clicking New Person from the People and Groups page.
The following settings are available in the General tab for every person.


Enter a name to identify the person.

Email address

Enter a primary email address for the person. This contact method will be used for all email alerts and recovery messages.


Check if you want to send the notification in HTML format.

Phone number

[Optional] If entered, it is available as a contact method for voice alerts and SMS alerts.

Notify about all incidents

Select if you want the person to be notified only about incidents.
The following settings are available in the Groups tab.
Checkbox for group(s) to assign a current person to that group.
The following settings are available in the Notification tab.
Select the severity level for alerts when they must be sent to responsible person.
If needed, you can change recovery notification options by using the drop-down menu.
The following options are available: Same as alert (default value), none, email, SMS, call.
The following settings are available in the Subscription tab.
You can schedule any report to be auto-delivered via email. Select how often the report should be emailed. Choose from: weekly, daily, or monthly.

Edit a person

Select a person, click the gear icon, and then select Edit to modify user details.

View existing people

The left side panel displays all the people in your account.
To delete a person, select the person, click the gear icon, and then select Delete.