Under review
Custom User Agent
Currently the Anturis service using the "custom agent" shows up in server access logs as "
[14/Feb/2013:08:49:40 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 400 "-" "Mozilla/5.0""
If possible, it would be nice "assuming" someone was running a custom agent that they could change the user agent in which the "GET" or "POST"'s were running as for HTTP checks.
For Example, I would like to change ""Mozilla/5.0"" to "Mozilla/5.0+(compatible; Uptime Check http://example.com" or something similar.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Yes, we already have this in mind. But let me please clarify. Would it be fine just to have some hint in UE, that it is in fact an Anturis agent, or you need to a customizable data there? In the second case - it's interesting for which purpose you need it?
I would assume many of your customer may be web hosting / design companies. In this case, they may be monitoring their clients. In our case, I would like our clients to see we are monitoring them and having custom user agents would also allow people to filter our user agent for their analytics to prevent skewed data. To answer your first question, I personally would not be opposed to a mention of Anturis in the user agent as long as we can still customize it to include other details as well. It may not be a bad idea to enable custom branding on higher level plans? For example free / lower level plans just say Anturis however, higher level plans are fully brand-able. If there is some way I could speak with you in private, I could disclose more details to you.