
Anturis website down

Eddie 10 years ago updated by Ilya (Here to help) 10 years ago 5
anturis.com is currently responding with an HTTP 502 error, and has been down for over an hour now. Just posting it here in the hopes that someone will see it! I have tried tweeting them but no response as of yet.


Let me notify you about planned server shutdown. It will be today from 10:00 till 11:00 EST.

We have a problem with one of hard disk in mirror raid. That was the reason of today's incident on the server.

We will replace the failed piece of hardware today.

We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience.

We had the hardware issue on our server. It is fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Let me notify you about planned server shutdown. It will be today from 10:00 till 11:00 EST.

We have a problem with one of hard disk in mirror raid. That was the reason of today's incident on the server.

We will replace the failed piece of hardware today.

We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
I see some problem from Amsterdam and Frankfurt servers.
Apart from few hours of defaults last night (GMT+1), since this morning, from time to time, some results of the monitor are missing.
Best regards.

Do you have this issue now?