
SSL monitoring bug - "Error code: 1205 Failed to establish SSL connection with the web server." after modifying anturis agents

Vitaly Karasik 9 years ago updated by andrzej cieslak 9 years ago 4

I'm monitoring SSL endpoint on AWS ELB.
New monitor works, but any attempts to modify anturis agents for monitoring (like replace default Dallas monitor to Germany one, for example), break monitoring.



We will fix it soon.

The same here, after monitor is updated with new agents, I keep getting "Error code: 1205".

To workaroung this issue please create https monitor via Monitor wizard:

1. Open any created component and press Add/Remove monitors button:

save image

2. Click to Add custom monitor:

save image

3. Select HTTP/HTTPS

4. Enter host name and do not forget to activate SSL and select locations:

save image

This scenario should works fine.

It works, thank you for support.