Anturis impact on Google Analytics
1. How does Anturis monitoring impact Google analytics and similar analytics solutions that track page views?
2. Does HTTP monitor load javascript and trigger Goggle analytics code?
3. Does Full page load monitor load javascript and trigger Goggle analytics code?
4. Do Web transactions trigger Google analytics code?
5. Are your tracking servers on fixed IP? If they are, they could be added to Google analytics exclude list.
1. How does Anturis monitoring impact Google analytics and similar analytics solutions that track page views?
2. Does HTTP monitor load javascript and trigger Goggle analytics code?
3. Does Full page load monitor load javascript and trigger Goggle analytics code?
4. Do Web transactions trigger Google analytics code?
5. Are your tracking servers on fixed IP? If they are, they could be added to Google analytics exclude list.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Yes, our monitors will impact to analytics. To prevent simply add our IP addresses to exclude list. You can find our IP here http://wiki.anturis.com/index.php?title=Public_Agents_IP_Addresses
thanks for the quick answer. Just to double check, those are fixed IP addresses that don't change?