Good Morning,
Trying to connect my test box to Anturis and keep getting SSL errors in the logs. Can someone help me fix this?
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.667 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Querying capabilities of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-localresources2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.805 PLUGINMGR: Info: Starting plugin plugin-logfile2
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.807 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Starting plugin "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-logfile2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.809 MSGBUS: Info: bus device with id 105 registered
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.811 LOCALCON: Info: listening at 52260
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.813 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Querying capabilities of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-logfile2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.942 PLUGINMGR: Info: Starting plugin plugin-ping2
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.944 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Starting plugin "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-ping2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.946 MSGBUS: Info: bus device with id 106 registered
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.948 LOCALCON: Info: listening at 52261
2019.04.26 11:04:10 0.950 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Querying capabilities of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-ping2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:10 1.125 PLUGINMGR: Info: Starting plugin plugin-shellscript2
2019.04.26 11:04:10 1.127 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Starting plugin "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-shellscript2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:10 1.129 MSGBUS: Info: bus device with id 107 registered
2019.04.26 11:04:10 1.131 LOCALCON: Info: listening at 52262
2019.04.26 11:04:10 1.133 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Querying capabilities of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-shellscript2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.273 PLUGINMGR: Info: Starting plugin plugin-snmp2
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.275 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Starting plugin "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-snmp2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.277 MSGBUS: Info: bus device with id 108 registered
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.280 LOCALCON: Info: listening at 52263
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.282 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Querying capabilities of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-snmp2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.422 PLUGINMGR: Info: Starting plugin plugin-sql2
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.424 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Starting plugin "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-sql2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.426 MSGBUS: Info: bus device with id 109 registered
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.428 LOCALCON: Info: listening at 52264
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.430 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Querying capabilities of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-sql2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.559 PLUGINMGR: Info: Starting plugin plugin-tcp2
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.561 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Starting plugin "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-tcp2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.563 MSGBUS: Info: bus device with id 110 registered
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.565 LOCALCON: Info: listening at 52265
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.567 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Querying capabilities of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-tcp2.exe"
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.701 PLUGINMGR: Info: Java command line: java
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.704 PLUGINMGR: Info: 1 java plugin(s) found:
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.704 PLUGINMGR: Info: plugin-mbeans.jar
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.706 PLUGINMGR: Info: Starting plugin plugin-mbeans
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.708 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Starting plugin "java" -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-mbeans.jar"
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.710 MSGBUS: Info: bus device with id 111 registered
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.712 LOCALCON: Info: listening at 52266
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.714 PLUGINCNTR: Info: Querying capabilities of "java" -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anturis\Anturis Monitoring\plugin-mbeans.jar"
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.719 PLUGINCNTR: Error: Plugin process could not start for the first time 0
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.722 PLUGINMGR: Info: Waiting for plugins to report capabilities
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.726 PLUGINCNTR: Error: Plugin process could not start for the first time 1
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: [serverconnection] Connecting to server
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: server_url=https://anturis.com
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: agent_uuid=e480dd3c-0e27-4d45-bd47-7b36d86990e1
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: agent_name=AICWINADCTR
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: user_name=Advitcon
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: provider=QNAM
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: RPeriod=1000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: WRecsPerRequest=100
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: WInrushLimit=10
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: WInrushMinDelay=5000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: WInrushMaxDelay=60000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: RMaxSimultaneousRequests=4
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: P0_RRecsPerRequest=100
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: P0_RMaxBytesPerRequest=500000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: P0_RWaitRequest=1000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: P0_RTimeout=180000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: P0_RWarningThreshold=60000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: P1_RRecsPerRequest=100
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: P1_RMaxBytesPerRequest=500000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: P1_RWaitRequest=60000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: P1_RTimeout=180000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: P1_RWarningThreshold=60000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_authenticate_min=60000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_authenticate_max=180000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_waittask_min=10000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.914 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_waittask_max=10000
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.920 MSGBUS: Info: bus device with id 112 registered
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.924 SERVREQ: Info: Expected server certificate: QSslCertificate( "3" , "eb:53:07:d6:30:f9:27:c5" , "Ytuef6wSpywDGnTSQ5t5fw==" , "Internet Widgits Pty Ltd" , "Internet Widgits Pty Ltd" , QMap() , QDateTime("Wed Sep 28 09:37:47 2011") , QDateTime("Thu Sep 27 09:37:47 2012") )
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.927 CTLCNTR: Info: Initializing control connector
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.929 LOCALCON: Info: listening at 52267
2019.04.26 11:04:11 1.997 SERVREQ: Error: Request POST to https://anturis.com/api/1/agent/authenticate failed (SslError: SslHandshakeFailedError("SSL handshake failed")) with QVariant(, )
2019.04.26 11:04:15 6.026 LOCALCON: Info: new connection
2019.04.26 11:05:14 64.787 SERVREQ: Error: Request POST to https://anturis.com/api/1/agent/authenticate failed (SslError: SslHandshakeFailedError("SSL handshake failed")) with QVariant(, )
2019.04.26 11:07:13 183.222 SERVREQ: Error: Request POST to https://anturis.com/api/1/agent/authenticate failed (SslError: SslHandshakeFailedError("SSL handshake failed")) with QVariant(, )
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: [serverconnection] Connecting to server
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: server_url=https://anturis.com
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: agent_uuid=e480dd3c-0e27-4d45-bd47-7b36d86990e1
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: agent_name=AICWINADCTR
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: user_name=Advitcon
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: provider=QNAM
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: RPeriod=1000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: WRecsPerRequest=100
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: WInrushLimit=10
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: WInrushMinDelay=5000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: WInrushMaxDelay=60000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: RMaxSimultaneousRequests=4
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: P0_RRecsPerRequest=100
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: P0_RMaxBytesPerRequest=500000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: P0_RWaitRequest=1000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: P0_RTimeout=180000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: P0_RWarningThreshold=60000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: P1_RRecsPerRequest=100
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: P1_RMaxBytesPerRequest=500000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: P1_RWaitRequest=60000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: P1_RTimeout=180000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: P1_RWarningThreshold=60000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_authenticate_min=60000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_authenticate_max=180000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_waittask_min=10000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.328 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_waittask_max=10000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.332 MSGBUS: Info: bus device with id 113 registered
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.337 SERVREQ: Error: Request POST to https://anturis.com/api/1/agent/authenticate failed (SslError: SslHandshakeFailedError("SSL handshake failed")) with QVariant(, )
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: [serverconnection] Connecting to server
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: server_url=https://anturis.com
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: agent_uuid=e480dd3c-0e27-4d45-bd47-7b36d86990e1
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: agent_name=AICWINADCTR
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: user_name=Advitcon
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: provider=QNAM
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: RPeriod=1000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: WRecsPerRequest=100
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: WInrushLimit=10
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: WInrushMinDelay=5000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: WInrushMaxDelay=60000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: RMaxSimultaneousRequests=4
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: P0_RRecsPerRequest=100
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: P0_RMaxBytesPerRequest=500000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: P0_RWaitRequest=1000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: P0_RTimeout=180000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: P0_RWarningThreshold=60000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: P1_RRecsPerRequest=100
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: P1_RMaxBytesPerRequest=500000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: P1_RWaitRequest=60000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: P1_RTimeout=180000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: P1_RWarningThreshold=60000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_authenticate_min=60000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_authenticate_max=180000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_waittask_min=10000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.944 SERVCON: Info: fail_pause_waittask_max=10000
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.948 MSGBUS: Info: bus device with id 114 registered
2019.04.26 11:07:40 210.954 SERVREQ: Error: Request POST to https://anturis.com/api/1/agent/authenticate failed (SslError: SslHandshakeFailedError("SSL handshake failed")) with QVariant(, )
Customer support service by UserEcho